About Us
Who We Are & What We BelieveMPC is a welcoming intergenerational community open to all: young and old, married and single, all races and ethnicities, all genders and sexual orientations.
The Brief Statement of Faith, one of the official creeds of our denomination, offers a helpful snapshot of what is important to us. You can learn more about our denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA), here: www.pcusa.org. Note that you do not need to believe exactly the same things as your fellow worshipers to be part of this congregation. We approach differences in viewpoints with a spirit of openness and loving respect. |
Our LeadershipMeet our staff here. Church leaders also include Session members (elders serving on our governing board) and a Board of Deacons that oversees our ministries of compassion, service, and community outreach.
Our LocationWe are in the Magnolia neighborhood of Seattle, right at the top of the Dravus Street hill (map below). Our building offers ramp access to the front doors and elevator access to all three floors.
Sanctuary, fellowship hall, meeting spaces, and classrooms are available to rent for one-time and longer-term use (floor plans & rates). Contact us at [email protected] for more information. |